1979-1980 Schule für Gestaltung
1981-1985 Studies in visual communications,
Fachklasse Experimentelle Grafik,
Hochschule der Künste
Die Werke von Vera Rothamel werden regelmässig in der Galerie gezeigt.
Multiple choice, 2000 – 2005
Öl und Tempera auf Leinwand/
Oil and tempera on canvas
30 x 30 cm je/each
Zur Zeit besteht die Serie "multiple choice" aus 240 Elementen.
Die kleinste mögliche Einheit ist drei Bilder.
At the moment, the series "multiple choice" consists of 240 elements.
All elements can be combined according to one's wishes. The smallest unit consists of 3 elements.
Artist Statement
Multiple choice.
Here we are looking at 240 small paintings, 30 cm x 30 cm called Multiple choice. Collectively they carry their own responsibility and thus relieve the individual pieces of this burden. When viewing this work one senses a strong presence as each individual painting remains flexible, contributing to the whole; and herein lie many variations and possibilities. The work can be constructed in many different ways depending on the situation of the room and the size of the wall. They can be viewed as a frieze, so that the end cannot be seen from the beginning. Or they can be savoured slowly as though one were watched the passing of individual frames in a film. They can also be combined into large block formats or smaller units of six that resemble a game of dominos.
Vera Rothamel has always been interested in painting as a process - and within every picture, this process is evident. The array of the whole series is strengthened from painting to painting, as each square is stacked within different levels and painted states.
The lively red / green contrast, intensifies the pulsation between the surfaces, between urging and calming emotions and between concealing and revealing. Sometimes one notices the painted and printed colours cross the surface giving way to what looks like a threadbare fabric. Whatever form they take, one has the impression that something new is always being created.
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© Ute Barth